Title One & Learning Assistance Program

Title One

Woodin is a school-wide Title I school. This allows flexibility in our program so we can reach the wide-ranging needs of Woodin students. Our program focuses on math instructional coaching and high levels of collaboration between classroom teachers and the Title I math specialist. With the use of various data points students may also be directly served through individualized interventions, small group support and/or extended day programs.

Title One Paperwork

Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

Woodin’s LAP services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level standards in reading and math. LAP emphasizes research-based best practices designed to increase student achievement.  These practices include collaboration with classroom teachers, direct instruction with small groups or individual students, and parent partnerships.  LAP typically works with students in kindergarten through fourth grade.

Title One Contact:
Shannon DuCharme


LAP Contact:
Crystal Affolter, reading

Shannon DuCharme, math